A GROUND-BREAKING web tool has been launched to help generate investment across the region and ensure it stays at the forefront of the UK’s low carbon and sustainable energy drive.

The North-East Sustainable Resources Board (NESRB) has developed the Geographical Information System (Gis) resource mapping tool which allows users to examine the location of waste management facilities throughout the North-East and also the amount of waste and resources disposed at these facilities.

One key feature of the tool is that it provides more detailed data relating to commercial and industrial waste than has previously been available.

Renew, the organisation that facilitates and delivers commercial energy and environmental technology projects across the region, worked with the NESRB to create the tool and believes it is the first of its kind to provide such detailed information in an interactive format.

Chris Hayward, environment technologies manager, Renew helped coordinate the project in conjunction with the Environment Agency, Defra and Arup.

He said: “The Gis resource mapping tool was developed to provide greater confidence to waste infrastructure companies interested in investing in the region and to improve the accessibility and usefulness of available waste management information.”