A TEES Valley firm was among the first to take advantage of an initiative offering free trade flights to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Microslat International Ltd benefited from a British Airways- UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) initiative offering 4,000 free flights to enable SMEs to attend overseas events, visit new markets or exhibit at trade shows.

Microslat managing director Terry Dady took advantage of the initiative to travel to the US to attend the American Library Association Show in Chicago, in July.

The company produces racks, shelves and display units used in shops and libraries.

Mr Dady said: “As there are many Anglo-American companies operating in both retail and library markets, the US was an obvious choice for us to expand our business, and to do this we needed to visit trade shows to establish the best way forward.”

The British Airways-UKTI offer is designed to support UK SMEs, relatively new to exporting or looking at new markets.

Further details are at uk tradeinvest.gov.uk