DEVELOPMENT land which has the capacity to create thousands of jobs in the North-East is being highlighted on a website designed to attract attention from national and international investors.

The site – – has been created to showcase eight developments in County Durham, promoting office and industrial space and highlighting the potential benefits of relocating there.

The site, created by County Durham Development Company (CDDC), features more than 250 hectares of development land.

Developments included on the site include Amazon Park, in Newton Aycliffe, where up to 1.4 million sq ft is available for large-scale manufacturing and distribution occupiers.

Stewart Watkins, managing director of CDDC, said: “County Durham has attracted some outstanding national and international developments and it is important we continue to do so.

“We set up the portal to highlight the many advantages of locating in the region and to help make it as easy as possible for companies to decide where to settle.

“If they can see at a glance the details and benefits of particular sites, they are more likely to consider County Durham and the North-East as a place to invest and do business.

“We hope that our new site will persuade businesses around the country and the world that County Durham is the place to do business.”