A PARTNERSHIP between two organisations responsible for the North- East’s built environment could see projects developed more quickly.

Design Review, which offers free advice to developers and planning authorities in the North-East, has joined forces with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (Cabe), the Government’s advisor on architecture.

Through the link-up, they will decide whether schemes will be seen by Cabe or by the regional service in the first instance, saving valuable time.

Design Review, which is managed by Ignite, the regional centre of excellence for sustainable communities in the North-East, was launched in May this year.

Ignite was established three years ago and is funded by regional development agency One North East.

Kirsteen Thomson of Ignite said: “The strategy aims to engage with our delivery partners to ensure we are raising the standards of sustainable development in the region and helping practitioners to keep raising their game and keep the region at the forefront of design.

“By aligning our service with Cabe it means that there is ongoing dialogue between us so we can ensure that projects are on their most appropriate route at the earliest stage to receive the correct advice and guidance.”

Richard Simmons, Cabe chief executive, said: “Affiliation is recognition of the high quality service provided by regional panels and it will ensure that more schemes benefit from the best possible design advice.”