A FIRM originally formed to administer rail workers’ pensions has undergone a major recruitment drive as more companies outsource their pension schemes.

Pensions administrator rpmi has gone through a reorganisation that has involved taking on almost 50 more staff to deal with a rising demand from companies looking to outsource pension administration.

The company, which has been based in Darlington for 45 years since it was established to administer British Rail pensions, now looks after 500,000 people’s retirement funds.

As it continued a period of sustained growth, chief executive Chris Hitchen said there was likely to be further recruitment in the coming months to add to the staff of 226 in Darlington and 35 at the firm’s London office.

As part of its re-organisation, the company has recruited Robert Branagh, from Xafinity Paymaster, as managing director of administration.

It has also appointed present employees David Maddison to managing director of trustee services and Frank Johnson to the role of managing director of investments.

Mr Hitchen said: “The majority of the growth has been in the administration side, but we have had expansion in other areas as well.”

He added: “We are proud of our heritage. We started as the pensions department of British Rail, but we recognise we need to be bigger and better.

“We are now running pension schemes throughout different industries.”

Mr Branagh believes one of the attractions of rpmi to customers is the fact it is focused on pensions.

He said: “We are not trying to be masters of everything.

We know what we are really good at and concentrate on that.”

Mr Maddison said the new roles within the business had attracted both experienced staff, including a number moving from the South of England, and those new to the pensions industry.

He said: “We have got a fair mix. We have been able to attract experienced adminsitrators and there has been a bit of a drift North and we have attracted people who have made a lifestyle change.

“We also have a very good graduate and A-level pool to tap into.”

Staff at the company, which has been based at its Stooperdale offices in Brinkburn Road, Darlington, since 1964, were recently presented with awards in a ceremony attended by the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Jim Ruck.

Mr Hitchen said: “We have a very loyal workforce and the staff turnover is very low. One of those receiving an award has been here for 30 years, another for 19 years.”