THE recent increase in female business start-ups in the North-East is being reflected through entries to the If We Can, You Can challenge, it was revealed yesterday.

Figures show a 17 per cent growth in the region over the past year, a fact which is showing parallels in the entrepreneurial competition.

Of the 100 entries received so far, about 50 have been from women, the majority of who describe themselves as “accidental entrepreneurs” juggling their business interests with family commitments.

The If We Can, You Can challenge, run by the Entrepreneurs’ Forum and supported by The Northern Echo, seeks to find the business leaders of the future, whose ventures can help support and shape the North-East economy for years to come.

Carole Beverley, chief executive of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum, said: “I don’t think we should be surprised. Women make great entrepreneurs.

Their tenacity, vision, sensitivity, creativity, passion and determination make them ideally suited to growing sustainable businesses.”

The challenge is open for entries until Sunday, with the winners, announced on June 4, receiving a prize which includes a business services package worth £5,000 and the opportunity to become a regional Face of Entrepreneurship for 2010.

To enter, log on to ifwecan