A NORTH-EAST law firm has launched a third-generation interactive website.

Samuel Phillips has been working with Darlington-based web designers Edward Robertson to create the site, which includes video profiling of the Newcastlebased law firm and its partners.

David Laud, chief executive of Samuel Phillips, believes it is a valuable addition to the firm, and client inquiries and instructions have already increased in the few weeks since the launch of the site – samuelphillips.co.uk “It is all too easy to get carried away with the technological possibilities these days, but successful websites keep the design simple and functional,” he said. “We’re providing an insight into the firm, our culture and personality. We’re not your typical corporate or high street law firm.

We have highly qualified solicitors who offer the best value for clients by saving time and thereby money. They are also terrific personalities and we were keen to show this in our films.”

Simon Crisp, director of Edward Robertson, said: “We’ve been able to show how the integration of moving images into a website can be a very powerful marketing tool.”