SENIOR figures in the private sector are being asked to help shape the future of manufacturing support in the region.

Public sector business support group MAS North-East is forming an advisory board that will help decide where it should focus its activities.

The group includes an energy team, which has been responsible for nearly £4m of energy savings since it was created just over two years ago, a design service and a resource efficiency service is to be launched.

One North East’s manufacturing and productivity manager, Dr Colin Herron, who will represent the development agency on the advisory board, said: “This is the private sector’s opportunity to have a major say in the way the public sector provides support services that are proving vital in the current economic climate.

“The role won’t take up a great deal of time, but it will play an important part in shaping how we help our manufacturers, as well as providing the opportunity to lobby for regional manufacturing both inside and outside the region.”

The advisory board will be chaired by One North East’s head of business, enterprise and skills, Tim Pain and, along with representative of MAS North-East, there will be two representatives from academia and six to eight representatives of the private sector.

Anyone interested in joining the MAS North-East advisory board is asked to contact Paul Dobson at or call MAS North-East helpline on 0845-077-3993.