A FILM promoting the benefits of visiting the Tees Valley area was premiered at a tourism event yesterday.

Delegates at the visitTeesvalley spring conference, in Middlesbrough, heard contributions from the area’s business leaders in the 30-minute screening.

The film, called It’s Happening, featured contributions from, among others, entrepreneur Sir John Hall, Hugh Lang, group director with Peel Airports, which owns Durham Tees Valley Airport and The Northern Echo editor Peter Barron.

Up to 80 delegates from across Tees Valley attended the area tourism partnership’s conference at Middlesbrough’s Cineworld. It heard how, despite the economic slowdown, there is huge potential for the region, with visitor numbers increasing by 39 per cent over the past two years.

The head of visitTeesvalley, Julia Frater, said: “What we have to do within the visitor economy is to work that much harder to keep our standards as high as ever, so that we in the Tees Valley remain ahead of our competitors.

“Ironically, with the pound languishing against the euro, more people are now holidaying in the UK this year.”

Graeme Stokes, from Railway House Accommodation, in Darlington, who attended the event, said: “I’m really glad I went along.

“The message from visitTeesvalley was one of optimism and opportunities.

Although we may be in the midst of an economic slowdown, we are expecting more and more people to visit Tees Valley. We just have to make sure we are ready for them.”

Best-selling author Freya North spoke to delegates on how popular culture influences tourism. She has strong connections with the region and her tenth novel is set in Saltburn, east Cleveland.