A SECURITY company run by a professional boxer is launching a service to help in the fight against crime.

Sparta Security North- East has set up an instant alarm response system, which is installed into houses or commercial premises and triggers an alarm when it detects trespassers.

The Darlington company, run by Francis Jones, has only been managing the service for less than a month, but already many businesses and homeowners across the region have signed up.

Mr Jones, whose firm employs 25 people, said the instant alarm response system offers round-the-clock protection, and someone would be available to go to the scene of the potential crime within minutes of the alarm being triggered.

“We’ve launched this to help with people’s peace of mind. In the credit crunch, being burgled is the last thing you want to happen, which is why we’re seeing quite a lot of people and businesses installing our instant alarm response system,” said Mr Jones, who fought for the British title in 2007.

“It can be at any time of the day or night. We had an alarm going off at a business in Darlington, at 3am recently, and we were there within minutes.”

Sparta Security North- East offers security services including guards, door supervisors and alarms.