CHARTERED accountants Benson Wood Limited has appointed two directors.

Benson Wood, based in Stockton, describes the promotion of Danielle Carolan and Sharon Woolley, both previously associates, as a long-term investment.

The move increases the senior management team from three to five, but comes as co-founder Peter Wood approaches retirement.

Established in 1971, Benson Wood has grown from a small accountancy practice to a dynamic group of companies providing financial services, payroll and consultancy advice, alongside mainstream accountancy.

The Benson Wood Group, which includes independent financial advisors Benson Wood Financial Ltd, payroll, VAT and bookkeeping firm Benson Wood Bureau Services Ltd, and management consultants Benson Wood Consultancy Ltd, employs 25 people.

Managing director Graham Thompson said: “We have not been immune to the recession, which has set back our expansion programme, but the diversity within the business has made us more recession- proof than most.

“The appointments of Danielle and Sharon are an indicator that we are wellpositioned to push on with plans to grow the business.”

While a general accountancy practice, Benson Wood is one of a handful of North- East firms specialising in the legal and medical sectors, considered by others as highrisk.

“Legal professionals have to deal with a lot of regulation because, by and large, they are looking after other people’s money and this places their accountancy, financial management and taxation practices under a high level of scrutiny,” said Miss Woolley, 29, from Darlington, who runs In-Law, Benson Wood’s dedicated department for legal clients.

Mrs Carolan, 28, from Sunderland, looks after many of the practice’s larger clients.

She said: “Benson Wood is a company very much driven by the needs of its clients, and it’s fair to say that its own progress and development reflects that of the many and varied businesses on whose behalf it works.”