NOT-FOR-PROFIT organisations are being encouraged to take advantage of a £6m regional fund which could help regenerate deprived areas and help the unemployed back into work.

The newly-launched Third Sector Capacity Fund has been created by regional development agency One North East to help notfor- profit organisations contribute more to regional economic development.

The fund, which will be available over the next four years, offers grants of up to £150,000 for individual projects.

Robin Beveridge, One North East’s inclusion and skills partnership manager, said: “This fund will help build the third sector’s contribution to regional economic growth.

“By increasing the capacity of not-for-profit organisations, they can play a much more important role in the life and economy of the region.

“This fund could help third sector organisations play a role in the physical regeneration of a deprived area, try out a new approach to getting people back into work after a long time out, or build leadership in the third sector to increase its influence.

“This significant investment will boost the valuable work already being carried out by organisations across the region.”

Rocket Science, an organisation with experience of working with the sector and with grant funding, will manage the fund.

Spokeswoman Cherri Blissett said: “We believe the fund will provide a much-needed boost to third sector organisations in the North- East and encourage far greater collaboration and partnership working across the sector.

“It will also enable organisations to build on and expand the services they provide which, in a recession, will be even more crucial – helping people into employment, providing services in our most disadvantaged areas.”

Funding will be available for projects that reduce grant dependency and enable the sector to win and deliver public service contracts, as well as activities which support the region in responding to the recession and the region’s rising levels of unemployment.

A pilot fund launched in 2006 provided grants to 23 projects, ranging from a social enterprise creating websites for third sector organisations, to the development of an employers’ guide to hiring staff with learning disabilities.

Organisations interested in applying to the fund can attend regional workshops next week.

The workshops, which will outline the bidding process and explain more about the fund, will take place in Darlington next Wednesday, and in Newcastle on Thursday, April 23. To book a place, email Further information for prospective applicants, including the fund criteria and application process, are available on thirdsector