SCORES of aspiring entrepreneurs have already entered the If We Can, You Can challenge, with four weeks still remaining.

More than 50 people have put their name forward for the challenge, which seeks to re-instill a belief and can-do culture in the region and revive the spirit of entrepreneurship for which the North-East was once famous the world over.

And ahead of the May 3 deadline, more entries from aspiring and growing entrepreneurial businesses are being sought. As part of the prize, the winner will become a Face of Entrepreneurship for the North-East during 2010.

Carole Beverley, chief executive of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum, which is running the challenge, said: “We have had a fantastic start to the challenge.

“It’s not just the number of entrants that has been pleasing but also their passion and overwhelming drive to succeed.

“The response to the challenge really highlights the thriving entrepreneurial heartbeat of our region and epitomises the spirit of the If We Can, You Can movement.

“In spite of the current climate, opportunity for businesses is still ripe and the ‘can do’ entrepreneurial spirit shown by our entrants is a shining example of this.”

Ms Beverley encouraged more people to enter the challenge, run in conjunction with The Northern Echo. Several entrants have already been featured in the newspaper over the past month.

“Over the next four weeks we are urging those who haven’t yet entered to do so.

“This is a fantastic opportunity, not only to for you and your business to feature in the local press, but to also become part of a growing community of likeminded entrepreneurs.

“The next Faces of Entrepreneurship for 2010 might still be out there, so why not give it a go?”

To enter before May 3, log onto challenge