NORTH-EAST law firm Mincoff Jacksons is holding mock employment tribunals to help companies during the economic downturn.

Mincoff Jacksons, based in Stockton and Jesmond, Newcastle, is staging the events to help employers understand the logistics of such tribunals, which are increasing significantly as more firms are forced to lay off staff in the credit crunch.

Members of the firm’s employment law team and human resources consultancy replicate a tribunal from beginning to end, including a full employment judge’s decision, based on the claim of an unfair redundancy dismissal case. The latest event was held in Lumley Castle, County Durham, in association with Durham Business Club.

It was attended by more than 60 people, who were given practical guidance about how to proceed.

Kevin Fletcher, senior partner and head of employment at Mincoff Jacksons, said: “Delegates who attended left feeling positive about the session and felt they had learnt a lot regarding the process and documentation of employment tribunals.”

For information about future events, contact Kristina Elliott, at Mincoff Jacksons, via or on 0844-855-4228.