CONSUMERS can find out whether the goods they buy were made in acceptable conditions, thanks to a new North-East website. aims to give consumers more information about where in the world a wide range of popular goods are put together.

The Newcastle-based site, started by former teacher Graham Rankin, has details on the country of origin for thousands of different items from Apple iPods to Zojirushi coffee makers, giving people the choice of where the goods they buy come from.

As well as finding out which countries consumer goods are made in, the site links in to Google Maps to show the exact location of the cities and even the factories where they are put together.

Users can also find out more about the manufacturing processes and how the companies operate via links to articles from respected sources such as the Wall Street Journal and company websites.

Mr Rankin said: “More and more these days, consumers want to know more about where their money is going when they buy things – whether that is from an ethical, moral or patriotic point of view.

“We think people have a right to know where things come from, but too often it’s hard to tell and many manufacturers do not clearly label where they make their goods.”

North-East law firm Ward Hadaway helped Mr Rankin with the legal development of the site.