CROFT Technology has increased communication links within the region by helping to deploy the biggest wireless network in the North.

The Newcastle company recently completed a two-year programme on behalf of DurhamNet to install a wireless network that covers the whole of County Durham.

The network will be accessed by more than 300 schools in the area and will also offer libraries and community centres access to the internet.

DurhamNet is a local authority partnership between Derwentside District Council and Durham County Council, developed to bring high-quality broadband infrastructure to support business, government and community development within County Durham.

Iain Kennair, enterprise account manager at Croft, said: "This is a large project which covers a vast area. A dedicated team of Croft employees worked on the project to ensure that the roll-out was carried out efficiently and within tight timescales. In addition to our management role, we have also identified locations, conducted site surveys and carried out the wireless installation."