OFFSHORE workers have been offered an improved holiday entitlement deal.

About 10,000 employees in the oil and gas industry will benefit from an extra four weeks of holiday a year after unions reached an agreement with North Sea contractors.

The deal, which is subject to a ballot, also includes improved pay rates and a reduction in the number of days worked offshore.

If accepted, workers would receive the four weeks on top of the traditional two-weeks-on, two-weeks-off pattern.

The average annual salary would rise from £42,000 to £45,000 and employees would work 154 days offshore instead of the current average of 175.

The number of working hours would also be reduced.

The results of a ballot on the agreement are expected in three weeks.

If accepted, the conditions will come into effect in October next year.

The agreement was struck between the Amicus and GMB unions and the Offshore Contractors Association (OCA).

Alan Harvey, national officer of the Unite union's Amicus section, said: "This is a historic day in the employment terms for offshore workers, being like their onshore colleagues able to enjoy holidays with their families.

"We hope that this agreement with the OCA will show other employers within the offshore industry what can be achieved by working together for the mutual benefit of employees, employers and the industry."