TWO young men have turned their hobby into a successful business.

Ben Dingwell, 19, and his 20-year-old friend, Leslie de Cruz, have launched Bark and Walk Pet Services, in Sunderland.

The firm offers a range of services, including dog walking and house sitting, and the pair will draw up a personalised pet plan to meet the needs of their clients and dogs.

Mr Dingwell said: "Ever since we were little, Leslie and I have always loved animals. We've both got dogs ourselves and get on really well with them. It was only natural for us to want to work with them and this business gives us the best opportunity to do so."

The two men, who are registered with the National Association of Pet Sitters, received business start-up help from Ron Anderson at Social Enterprise Sunderland.

He said: "The best businesses come from ideas which people are passionate about and Leslie and Ben are certainly putting 100 per cent in to this one.

"It's admirable to see such hard work and dedication."