WORK has started on a 7,000 jobs business park at a North-East airport. 

Robert Goodwill, the aviation minister, launched the Newcastle International Airport Business Park with Dave Laws, Airport chief executive and Councillor Nick Forbes, Leader of Newcastle City Council.

The project comprises four phases, which collectively have the potential to deliver over 7,000 jobs and contribute more than £300m to the regional economy.

Land has been allocated to the south of the terminal for the development, including offices, freight and logistics warehouses and engineering hangers.

Phase one of the development consists of 175,000 sq foot of office space capable of accommodating up to 1,000 people

The park is a collaboration between the airport and UK Land Estates.

As part of the visit the minister also visited the Emirates air traffic control tower, airport fire station and fire training academy.

Mr Goodwill said: “Newcastle is a key UK airport and vital for the North-East economy.

"This new business park offers an excellent opportunity for regional and international organisations. I applaud the bold ambitions of the Airport Company with this new venture and wish them every success."

Mr Laws, said: “The location of the Newcastle International Airport Business Park is ideal for businesses who will benefit from the excellent connectivity through the airport.

“The location is great not only for aviation related companies, but also professional services, technology and IT, telecommunications and oil and gas and offshore businesses, who can make use of the excellent connectivity on offer. This is a very important development for us and one which we feel will be very popular. Other successful regional airports have been able to diversify their business and we see this scheme as critical in supporting the growth of the airport.

“We are delighted to work with UK Land Estates and our shareholders on this project and the launch today is an exciting first step.”

Mr Forbes, said “The North-East is a great place to live and work and Newcastle Airport provides an important gateway to new business opportunities across the globe. The creation of this new International Business Park at Newcastle Airport is a clear indication of our growing economic confidence and we look forward to welcoming new investors to our city and region - knowing they will benefit from a fantastic location and excellent air, road and rail connections.”

Knight Frank has been appointed as agents for the business park.

The development is being overseen by a steering group comprising Newcastle International Airport, UK Land Estates, Newcastle City Council, the Homes and Communities Agency and the North Eastern LEP.

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