AN IT firm, which has supplied services for North-East Premier League sides Sunderland and Newcastle United, is enjoying further success after sealing a £64,000 deal to supply services for a business-to-business outbound call centre.

Powerdial Services, based in Hawthorn, near Seaham, County Durham, has installed communications systems for Utilitywise, in South Shields, South Tyneside, which provides firms with prices to cut energy costs.

Earlier this year, Powerdial was made an expert business partner by global communications provider, Avaya, and was appointed by Utilitywise to upgrade its systems and it looks to continue its growth.

Paul Farn, Powerdial managing director, said: “We needed to design and implement a solution that would fit Utilitywise’s requirements both now and into the future.

“Our knowledge of contact centre space and the reliability demanded in that sector, meant there was really only one choice, which was Avaya, and we are We are delighted to help Utilitywise continue its growth.”

Powerdial has operated in the communications market for more than 20 years and has worked with a number of clients, including the Ministry of Justice, East Durham Business Service, as well as Sunderland and Newcastle United.