COMPANIES from across the North-East have signed up to a major initiative aimed at giving young people an introduction to the world of work.

Work Discovery Week - Sunderland 2013 is a five day project taking place from July 1 to July 5 which will feature a range of activities from open days at schools and in businesses to careers fairs, practical workshops and demonstrations.

And already a range of top companies – including Nissan , Grundfos, Sunderland University, Sunderland College, Arriva and Gentoo – have agreed to sponsor and support the intense week of activities.

The week is the brainwave of Sunderland’s Economic Masterplan – Business:Schools Task Group who recognised the need to forge stronger links between companies across the region and school pupils on Wearside.

Since launching the event there has been an overwhelmingly positive reaction from both schools and companies across the North-East.
“The response we’ve had so far has been amazing,” said Gary Hutchinson, commercial director of SAFC and co-chair of the task group.
“Companies from all different sectors have volunteered to take part and have recognised what an important event Work Discovery Week is going to be," he added.

Lee Carlin, General Manager at Grundfos said the company was “very pleased and proud to be a key sponsor of Work Discovery Week.”
“ Being the world's largest pump and pumping systems manufacturer, sustainability is one of the core values of the Grundfos Group,” he said.
“ As part of our local sustainability initiatives, we work actively within the local community, supporting schools and other institutions and therefore the programme of Work Discovery Week is a welcome addition to our on -going activities.”

He added, “one of the key aims of Grundfos is to enable the future aspirations of children to become reality.

”With our involvement in the Work Discovery Week, we hope to show the next generation, what it is really like to be a part of a truly globalised financially independent group, which has its UK production and distribution centre in Sunderland.”

His words were echoed by Tony Hart, Training Manager at Arriva.
“Work Discovery Week is a great opportunity for Arriva to support the young people of Sunderland in preparing them for work,” said Mr Hart.
“ We are delighted to have the opportunity to be part of the week-long event and see it as an opportunity to provide young people with some of the key skills they need to help them when they enter the job market and to help them make the right career choices.”

Councillor Paul Watson, Leader of Sunderland City Council said: This is a fantastic opportunity to bring schools together with employers and I’m delighted so many local companies have agreed to get involved.
“ It’s really important that our young people are given as much help and encouragement as possible to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there and this week promises to do just that.”

Other companies on board include The Bridges Shopping Centre, Northumbria Water, Liebherr Works Sunderland and Calsonic Kansei
Opportunities still remain to sponsor key aspects of the event or to take a stand at the careers fair at the Stadium of Light or for the exhibition running during the week in The Bridges.

For further information about how to get involved with the week visit

Businesses and schools are also being asked to follow the event on twitter @WDWSunderland.