A STEAM-POWERED brewery is one of a number of ideas being considered as part of preliminary efforts to prepare a North-East railway museum for a major milestone.

2025 is the 200th anniversary of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, the world’s first passenger line.

Behind-the-scenes talks are ongoing over how best to showcase Darlington’s rail heritage assets, such as the Head of Steam museum, during the anniversary celebrations and beyond.

The Northern Echo understands a businessman with close links to the region’s brewing industry, has indicated a willingness to develop a steam-powered brewery on the site.

Model company Hornby and the A1 Trust, which built the UK’s first steam locomotive in nearly 50 years, are also understood to be involved in discussions regarding the 200th anniversary.

Darlington Borough Council, which runs the Head of Steam museum and owns several other railway buildings around that site, has assured steam enthusiasts from the Darlington Railway Preservation Society (DRPS) that they have a part to play in the process.

Councillor Chris McEwan, the council’s heritage champion and a member of the Darlington Railway Heritage Group, said: “I think there will be interest from the general public ahead of the 200th anniversary, but we need to work hard to raise the profile and get people involved.”

The council is having to make £14m of cuts over the next three years, leading to speculation the museum could be privatised.

Coun McEwan admitted the council is looking at all the options with regard to the future of the museum.

He said: “We face difficult times, but we have got a duty to safeguard the future of the museum and, if possible, make improvements.

“We have got to look at innovative ways of finding resources to support the museum, so we can maintain that heritage.”

A council spokeswoman said: “The area of Darlington where the railway museum is located and the DRPS is housed, contains heritage assets of global significance.

“The council is working to ensure that these are celebrated and used in the best way to support the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the borough and region.

“DRPS is a valued partner in the process of developing a vision for the future of this area that will extend beyond 2025, the 200th anniversary of the birth of passenger railways.

“The possibility of accommodating a local brewery on site has been explored, but there has been no move to force the DRPS to move and discussions are ongoing.”