TWO North-East car parts manufacturers are opening their doors to other firms to share best practice and expertise.

Gestamp Tallent Automotive, based in Newton Aycliffe and Nifco, of Eaglescliffe, near Stockton will be showcasing their world class engineering and manufacturing techniques as well as explaining how apprentices are making a real difference at their plants.

Organised by Semta, the sector skills council for science, engineering and advanced manufacturing in conjunction with South West Durham Training, the visits are part of a day to highlight regional engineering excellence.

Open to advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses from across the region, experts will be on hand to highlight access to funding, help with recruitment, training and to advise on other support available to help them grow.

Lindsay Middleton of Semta, said: “Semta is an employer-led organisation and we are very fortunate to have so many companies working together with us to drive the skills agenda.

“Both Gestamp Tallent and Nifco are key members of the North East Skills Alliance. They are companies which are growing their own talent through apprentices and graduates with excellent results.

“They are also upskilling their existing workforces to take advantage of new technologies and processes,  they are passionate about ensuring the North-East remains a region with a reputation for world class manufacturing and are very generous in giving so much of their time to provide support for other firms in the sector.”

The event will take place on June 18 from 9.30am to 3pm, beginning at South West Durham Training’s offices in Newton Aycliffe and will include free transport to the two manufacturing facilities.

Delegates will see how Gestamp Tallent is implementing a world class approach to maintenance while Nifco will showcase the benefits of apprentices to its business.

Nifco, which is a specialist plastics manufacturing firm supplying the car industry, has just begun work on a new £12.8m factory, creating 170 jobs taking its workforce to around 450.

The North East Engineering & Manufacturing Excellence event will be held on Tuesday June 18, from 9.30am to 3.00pm, at South West Durham Training, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6AT. 

To register of for more information email: or call 01740 627006.