COMPANY GROWS: Construction firm Clugston has started work on recycling and waste management facility to turn 90,000 tonnes of waste into heat and power.

The firm is working with Veolia, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, on the plant, which will open in 2015 and is expected to create 21 permanent jobs and generate electricity for 10,000 homes.

Last year, Clugston carried out a £1.2m project in Sunderland for Sustainable Enterprise Strategies, crating a building from 37 used shipping containers for start-up businesses.

BP PLAN: Energy company BP has revealed it has set aside £5.3bn for shareholders as part of a restructure of its business.

The oil firm's proposed buy-back is the equivalent of its 2003 investment in TNK-BP, which has unwound. Under that deal, in October, BP sold its 50 per cent stake in TNK-BP to Russian firm, Rosneft, for £8.2bn.

Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said the agreement would give BP shareholders long-term value.

INSURANCE DEBUT: The founder of insurance company Esure, Peter Wood, made £198m after the firm, famous for its advertisements featuring the late Michael Winner, made it's stock market debut.

Shares in the owner of Sheila's Wheels and half of the comparison website, Go Compare, valued the firm at £1.2bn.

Prior to the flotation, Mr Wood owned 90 per cent of the business alongside private equity backer, Tosca Penta.

It had 1.25 million in-force motor policies and 500,000 home policies at the end of 2012, doubling pre-tax profits to £115.5 million last year.

SPORTS RESULTS: Profits in sports company Nike have grown after a rise in US sales and lower material costs.

The world's biggest sports shoe and clothing maker saw its third-quarter net income increase to £435m from £374 for the three months last year.

The firm, which sponsors golfer Rory McIlroy, said revenue had increased nine per cent to £4bn despite seeing business in China fall to £417m.