NORTH- EAST businesses struggling to find cash to fund expansion plans can get advice at an event.

The Finance or Growth – Where to Go? Night will offer help to small and medium-sized businesses on how they can access funds.

The event, organised by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) and the North East Chamber of Commerce (NECC), will feature a talk by NECC chief executive, James Ramsbotham, on the difficulties of securing expansion cash and how businesses can tackle the issue.

Ross Smith, NECC director of policy, said: “There are a huge number of small and medium-sized businesses in the North-East that have fantastic growth potential, but to realise it there are some significant barriers that need to be negotiated.

“Finance is one such barrier and although funding is available, it is not always a straightforward process understanding how to get hold of it.”

The event, which will end with a Newcastle Falcons match, will also include professional advisors offering advice on negotiating with banks, accessing equity funds and finance for export.

The event takes place on Friday, April 5, from 6pm.