DRUGS manufacturer Glaxo- SmithKline has warned European governments to cease hard-hitting price cuts on medicines or face stunting the research and development of new drugs on the continent.

The group warned that austerity drives across Europe have seen medicine prices slashed by more than seven per cent as it announced moves to overhaul its European business to weather difficult trading conditions.

It said it was unclear if there would be any impact on jobs and would give further details of the review before the end of the year.

However, a spokesman for the company said the operations, in Barnard Castle, were a different part of the business, and the firm was expecting a net increase in UK jobs over the next two years.

The firm employs about 15,000 people nationwide, with the group having about 23,000 staff across Europe, excluding the UK.

Third quarter sales slumped nine per cent in Europe, largely as a result of government cut backs, which dragged on the wider group performance, with overall sales down by five per cent to £6.5bn.

It said the worse-than-expected conditions in Europe will mean full-year sales are likely to remain flat against previous forecasts for an increase of about two per cent.

Prices have been worst affected in Greece and Germany, but Glaxo said governments cross-reference their prices across Europe, which means one country can influence the whole continent.

Glaxo posted a 13 per cent fall in underlying operating profits to £2bn in the third quarter.