THE Institute of Directors North East has begun the process of identifying directors who are making a difference to the region’s economic landscape in 2012.

The North East Investor Director listing, which is being run in partnership with leading Business Angel investment company, Middleton Enterprises, will provide an overview of dynamic and determined business leaders, who are delivering a substantial contribution to the region’s wellbeing.

The IoD wants to turn a spotlight on those who are investing money in their organisation or the area’s infrastructure, who are expanding their company, coming up with innovative ways of doing business, instigating research and development, creating new products and services or generating employment in the North East.

Alastair Thomson, IoD North East Chairman, said: “There are many entrepreneurs, who despite the current economic climate, are making great strides in expanding and growing their companies and helping drive the region’s economy forward.

“The IoD is looking for business owners who are exemplars in their field and whose commercial acumen and commitment are making a difference.

“The aim of the IoD North East’s Investor Director initiative is to officially recognise the entrepreneurial endeavours of go-head individuals and to highlight them as role models from which aspiring business executives can take a lead.”

Jeremy Middleton, of Middleton Enterprises, said: “The future economic prospects of the region rest on having business leaders with the confidence, enterprise, shrewdness and inventiveness to build up thriving companies

“It is important that we celebrate individuals success is contributing to the wealth of the region and its residents and that is why Middleton Enterprises is supporting the IoD North East’s Investor Director listing.”

The business executive named last year’s leading North East Investor Director was Bill Scott, Chief Executive Officer of Wilton Group,

The leading Investor Directors in the North East for 2012 will be honoured at the IoD North East’s annual Business Leaders’ Dinner on March 20 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Durham, starting at 7.00 pm.

Anyone who would like to nominate a potential candidate for the listing should contact Helen Logan by emailing

The closing date for entries is Friday November 30.