GRANTS worth more than £1.4m have now helped about 350 North-East businesses to grow, create and secure jobs

The Investment for Growth fund helps businesses by providing finance for development and growth projects - and funding is still available.

Tracey Watson, senior project manager of Investment for Growth, said: “In total we’ve been able to support 365 businesses with projects which is fantastic and every one of these businesses is a success story.

“I now want to get the message out there to business owners that funding is still available to them so they can create their own success story.” 

In total £4.9m has been made available to support North East businesses through the European Regional Development Funded scheme.

The Investment for Growth fund, delivered by the Investment Centre, is available to new and established businesses but funds are limited so business owners need to urgently apply.
Mrs Watson said: “Grants of up to 40 per cent are still available to firms in the North East wanting to put into place business development projects.

“Should any business wish to apply, a team of advisers will help guide the business through the preparation, submission and follow up of the application process.”
To be eligible, businesses must be based in the North East and provide a business-to-business product or service.

To find out about Investment for Growth call 0191 426 6408 or email