UP to half a million people have no plans to ever retire, while a similar number are worried about their pensions, according to new studies.

A survey of 1,300 adults by NFU Mutual found two out of five over 65-year-olds still in employment believe they will never stop working.

Another report by professional services firm Towers Watson revealed concerns about how much money they will have in retirement.

Most of the 2,500 British workers questioned said retirement security had become a higher priority over the past three years, especially among those aged over 40.

Workers in the UK were more pessimistic than in the United States, France or Germany.

Tess Wishart, of Towers Watson, said: "In our experience, we have never seen such an awareness and concern for retirement provisions from the workforce.

"People are clearly worried and by the same token any Government initiative that impacts on pay can be very emotive."