
  • Spreading the training gospel

    A NORTH-East woman will be drawing on her own experience when she spreads the word about training to youngsters across the region. Victoria Jackson, 24, has been appointed schools and colleges co-ordinator with Durham-based Zodiac Training, only three

  • Exciting times for genetics research in the North-East

    THE future is bright for medical genetics in the North-East, according to an expert. Professor John Burn delivered an upbeat message as his team moved into impressive new premises in the International Centre for Life in Newcastle. In the past few days

  • Workshop opens

    A FAMILY-RUN engineering company is continuing to expand with the opening of its new fabrication workshop. North View Engineering on Darlington's Cleveland Industrial Estate was established in 1953 by businessman Harold Boggon. The company is now run

  • Inch looks Perfect

    INCH PERFECT may well have the measure of his rivals on an excellent supporting card to the Group One St Leger at Doncaster today. Richard Fahey's gelding is on a retrieval mission in the £25,000 Torne Valley Handicap, having flopped when 7-2 favourite

  • 'Hijacked jet came at me on the 91st floor'

    A NORTH-EAST born naval architect has spoken of his escape from the 91st storey of the World Trade Centre. George Sleight, 63, was at his desk in the North tower when he heard the American Airlines Boeing 767 heading towards the building. The plane ploughed

  • Hear all sides

    WAR ON AMERICA YOUR two line heading and the full front page picture (Echo, Sept 12), of the burning World Trade Building in New York with the hijacked airliner about to be crashed into the second building, conveys a very stark message. Over many years

  • World united in grief

    ALL around the world, they paused yesterday to mourn the victims of the worst terrorist atrocity in history. From the President of the United States and the Queen of England to the ordinary man and woman in the street, they remembered those who died in

  • Co-op recalls contaminated milk cartons

    The Co-op is asking customers in the North-East to return six-pint plastic milk bottles because of possible contamination. The recall relates only to six-pint poly-bottles of Co-op Whole Milk with a use-by date of September 22. A Co-op spokesman: "Isolated

  • 'They have no right to kill the innocents'

    HEADS bowed in sorrow, faces a mixture of shock and grief, the 1,000-strong congregation listened in silence as they heard prayers for those killed in the terrorist attack on the United States, as well as for the grieving relatives. But, along with the

  • Hutchison's 'route-one' jibe dismissed by Quinn

    SUNDERLAND club captain Niall Quinn dismissed disparaging remarks by former team-mate Don Hutchison last night as "mischief making". But the Republic of Ireland striker added: "We won't need a team talk the next time we play West Ham." Hutchison, transferred

  • Wainwright and Convery give Bennett selection headache

    Darlington's attempt to get back to winning ways has been hit by the news that key wideman Neil Wainwright and replacement Mark Convery are missing from today's game at Torquay. Both were absent from the team coach which left Darlington yesterday morning

  • Shoulder to shoulder with the rescuers

    President Bush stood shoulder-to-shoulder with rescuers in the rubble of the collapsed World Trade Centre last night as he repeated his vow to bring the terrorists to justice. Holding on to a firefighter for support, Mr Bush stood on top of debris to

  • Robson looks to deadly duo

    TON-UP Newcastle boss Bobby Robson is looking to Alan Shearer and Laurent Robert to mastermind a memorable victory over champions Manchester United at St James' Park this afternoon. The visit of Sir Alex Ferguson's men marks Robson's 100th competitive

  • Grants for a warmer front

    MORE than 15,000 householders are being urged to help guarantee themselves a warmer winter by applying for heating and insulation grants. The Government-funded initiative Warm Front provides grants of up to £2,000 to anyone receiving an income or disability-related

  • BA flights to US are resumed

    British Airways resumed flights to the United States last night after the Federal Aviation Administration said it was satisfied with the airline's security. The first flights from Britain to the US since the terror attacks on New York and Washington,

  • Survivor faces new struggle - to leave America

    A 21-YEAR-old Durham student was desperately trying to find a way back home from New York last night after embassy officials advised her to leave. Katie-Jane Bailey left her home in Crook, County Durham, in July to take up a six-month posting in Manhattan

  • Comment from The Northern Echo; Humanity at its very best

    IN SCHOOLS, in offices, in homes, and on streets across Europe, the people fell silent yesterday. They stayed locked in private thought for three minutes which seemed to take an age, reflecting on the enormity of what had happened, and focusing on their

  • New Tory leader completes his team

    New Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith revealed the bulk of his shadow cabinet yesterday, with aides insisting it represented "a broad spectrum" of the party. Only three front line posts remained unfilled after the announcements, because, according to officials

  • Warning of drawn-out conflict to come

    There were grim predictions yesterday of a lengthy conflict if the US launches an all-out revenge attack for the terrorist outrages. Officials vowed to eradicate the terror group which hit New York and Washington, killing thousands, and said they would

  • 'It is as if they had been murdered in the heart of Britain'

    Prime Minister Tony Blair vowed yesterday that Britain would join America in hunting down those responsible for the "hideous and foul" terror strikes on the US. He told a hushed emergency session of the Commons that the UK had "not just an interest but

  • Turner seeking a re-run

    HARTLEPOOL United boss Chris Turner is hoping this afternoon's trip to Southend will trigger a repeat of last season. Pool's record-breaking 21-game unbeaten run started with a November win over Southend. And after a stuttering start which has reaped

  • The desperate plea as rain hampers search

    Rescuers racing against the clock in a desperate attempt to find survivors in the World Trade Centre's rubble faced a new obstacle yesterday - rain. Three days after hijacked passenger jets ploughed into the twin 110-storey skyscrapers, thunder and lightning

  • Stephenson rockets back into Falcons fold

    SPEEDY winger Michael Stephenson, who made his England debut in Canada during the summer, is back in the Newcastle team to entertain Harlequins tomorrow. The Durham School product takes over from Liam Botham, who broke his nose in last week's defeat at

  • Toughen up to nail the Hammers

    MIDDLESBROUGH manager Steve McClaren has warned his side they must get tough to stave off the growing danger of a renewed relegation struggle. McClaren today hosts West Ham, the club he turned down after Boro chairman Steve Gibson's late intervention

  • Fire chief weeps for fallen comrade

    A CHIEF fire officer broke down into tears yesterday as he remembered his New York counterpart and personal friend. Cleveland Chief Fire Officer John Doyle was among the crowds who attended Stockton's memorial service outside the Town Hall. He was overcome

  • Suffocation fears over out-of-date equipment

    SURGICAL patients are being put at risk of suffocation because of out-of-date equipment, according to a study by North-Eastern anaesthetists. A research project involving a random sample of 51 hospitals in the UK found that about one in three anaesthetic

  • 'We all just want to get home'

    A NORTH-EAST student who was on her way to the World Trade Centre when the terrorists struck was stranded last night. Alexia Gillen, from Hartlepool, is staying in a youth hostel near Central Park and is desperate for a flight home. The 20-year-old had

  • Hysteria as students looked on

    A NEW York academic who should have been in the North-East yesterday has spoken of the carnage left by Tuesday's terrorist strike. Perry Bard was due to address yesterday's conference organised by Teesside University's Community Informatics Research and