MAGISTRATES have called a teenager stupid and said his stealing coleslaw and a drink from a sandwich shop will end up unfairly costing the taxpayer.

Luke Michael Todd took a tub of coleslaw and a cup containing a fizzy drink when he was in the Subway store at Thinford Service Station on the outskirts of Spennymoor, County Durham.

Magistrates in Newton Aycliffe heard Todd, 19, from nearby Ferryhill, was in the store on Friday, June 20, with two friends who had bought their own meals, when he acted on a whim and stole the goods worth £1.93.

Prosecutor Lorraine Cooper said: “He had the money to pay but thought he would get away with it.”

The court heard Todd, of Dean Park, has a criminal record featuring various offences including making off without payment, theft from a motor vehicle, assault and criminal damage.

Jane Scott in mitigation said: “He told me he is really a bit embarrassed about it now and really should have grown out of doing this sort of thing by now.”

The court heard unemployed Todd, who is receiving Jobseekers Allowance, already owes £740 the court which is being deducted from his taxpayer-funded benefit.

And magistrates were told the cost to the taxpayer-funded court of administering the £1.93 compensation Subway could be due would be between £10 and £15.

Chairman of the bench John Marr said: “This was stupid of you, what you have done is just stupid.

“I do not see the point in asking the taxpayer to fund the theft which is what we would do if we gave you a fine.”

Todd was given a conditional discharge for 18 months and ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge within the next 14 days.