A MOTHER was given a police caution after she attacked a five-year-old boy at her son's school, it emerged today.

The woman was arrested following an incident at Priory Primary School in Tynemouth, North Tyneside, earlier this month.

Today Northumbria Police confirmed the 44-year-old woman had accepted a police caution.

In a statement the force said: "At around 9.10am on Thursday December 11 police received a report of an incident at Priory Primary School, Percy Park Road, Tynemouth.

"A 44-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assault and received a caution."

It is understood the woman walked into a reception class at the school where her son is a pupil and struck the boy in front of other children.

According to reports, the woman accused the pupil of bullying her son but he was able to return to lessons later that day.

Chairman of governors Geoff Ogle said letters had been sent home to parents.

He said: "We have told them that, after the upsetting incident, the governors have taken a series of steps to ensure the issue of child protection has been fully addressed, and I have had no adverse reaction from parents."