TAXI drivers and passengers are being asked their opinions on potential changes to licensing rules.

Durham County Council is holding a 12-week consultation as part of a review of its Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

The consultation, which ends on August 26, will ask opinions on a range of potential changes to rules on roof-top signs, more stringent safeguarding measures, vehicle age and emission standards and numeracy and literacy tests for drivers.

Joanne Waller, the council’s head of environment, health and consumer protection, said: “Our current policy was introduced in 2011 and is now due for review.

“This review will make sure the policy continues to support both the taxi trade and passengers in the county.

“We would encourage anyone with an interest to have their say on the proposals.”

For more information and to have your say on the consultation visit or call the licensing team on 03000 261016.