A FAMILY has filed a complaint against a North-East school over claims their son was attacked by another pupil in a classroom.

Jakub Kumanski, 13, was kept under observation at Darlington Memorial Hospital for eight hours after it was alleged he was repeatedly punched in the face by a classmate during an English lesson at the town's St Aidan’s Academy.

Jakub, a year nine pupil, suffered a bruised, swollen face, bleeding to his eye and says he vomited twice when came round after losing consciousness during the assault.

His parents Iwona and Robert Kumanski took their son out of the school and have had no contact with St Aidan’s since the incident.

They had attended meetings with staff in recent months to try and put a stop to bullying incidents that Jakub was involved in and they believe the school did not do enough to halt the escalation.

A spokesman for St Aidan’s said the school had acted on previous concerns raised by the family and that staff acted appropriately in response to the alleged attack.

Mrs Kumanska, a warehouse worker, said: “I have had no sleep since this happened because I am so worried about everything.

“The other boy had told Jakub that he would bring a gun into school and shoot him.

“They have threatened him, saying that they come from a big family and he should be scared; we are scared but this shouldn’t be allowed to happen.”

Mr Kumanski added: “[St Aidan’s staff] promised us twice that they would do something about the bullying, so I just don’t trust them any more.

“Our son’s health is the most important thing and if he can’t be safe there, then he isn’t going back.”

Jakub said the attack left him shaken and scared.

The youngster, who won a good citizen award when the family lived in Wolverhampton, and has been awarded merit certificates at St Aidan’s, said he did nothing to provoke the attack.

Mrs Kumanska said: “He is a quiet boy. When he comes home he doesn’t sit around playing on the PlayStation; he likes to learn.”

A spokesman for St Aidan’s said: "The academy has received a written complaint from Jakub’s parents, which is being investigated.

“Initial findings confirm that the academy did fulfil its duty of care to Jakub and that all appropriate procedures were followed.

"We have acted on all previous concerns expressed by the Kumanskis to their satisfaction, but we were not made aware of any new specific risks on that Monday, so were unable to resolve any potential conflict or offer additional safeguarding to Jacob in addition to the measures already in place.”